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participant behavior中文是什么意思

用"participant behavior"造句"participant behavior"怎么读"participant behavior" in a sentence


  • 参与者行为


  • First of all , the psychological structures of ocb consists of 6 factors , which were respectively named as initiative behaviors , making suggestions , organizational loyalty , self - exploder , participant behaviors , helpful behaviors
    结果显示: ( 1 )员工的组织公民行为结构维度包括6个方面的内容,分别是积极主动行为、表达意见、组织忠诚、自我发展、组织参与、帮助行为。
  • In order to enhance system ' s interaction ability , spatial and temporal sharing technology should be improved in following areas : increase participant behavior ' s accuracy and consistency ; support multiple participants to operate one entity in same time ; be adaptable to different tasks , offer different level of accuracy and consistency according to different types of task ; be adaptable to different bandwidth , transfer most important messages according to current bandwidth
用"participant behavior"造句  


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